Mastering Meal Prepping


There are several different ways to prepare meals, and figuring out what strategy works best is key. Some enjoy hunkering down one day a week to make many meals, while others flash-freeze individual ingredients or cook extra of what is being made for dinner and freeze it for the future. Follow along, as this guide is the one-stop shop for everything you need to know about mastering meal prepping.

Bulk Freezing: Stockpiling for Seamless Sustenance

Freeze As You Go: Daily Culinary Delights

Flash Freeze Ingredients: Mix-and-Match Convenience

Freezing individual ingredients like chopped vegetables, cooked grains, and marinated proteins can be a game-changer in the kitchen. This approach offers the flexibility to create diverse meals, save time on prep, and reduce food waste. Proper storage is essential to prevent freezer burn, and it’s important to think ahead of time when grocery shopping to confirm a variety of ingredients is on hand.

Batch Cooking: Time-Saving Magic

Batch cooking is an efficient way to save time and ensure that tasty meals are planned for the week. Cooking a big batch of a favorite dish can eliminate the need to cook every day, although eating the same meal can get old after several days. It’s also important to be mindful of having enough containers and fridge space to store everything.

Improving diet and nutrition habits may seem intimidating. Still, it can be enjoyable and stress-free while creating new lifestyle routines. The key is to find what works best, whether it’s bulk freezing, freezing as you go, flash freezing, batch cooking, or a combination of these strategies. Adopting these meal-prepping techniques instills avoiding convenient decisions, improving health, and not worrying about what’s for dinner!

Andrea Drew, RD |

“I love being an RD with HCSG because of the relationships made with patients and facility staff, our impact, and the opportunity for professional growth through everyday challenges.”

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